Thursday, March 1, 2012

And so it begins...

In October of 2011, in the midst of sorrow, our prayers turned to growing our family.  It has not been a simple journey to becoming parents (more on that later). 

The loss of a loved one moved us along, realizing once again how short life truly is.  If we all waited for the time to be right, the money to be in the bank account, the circumstances to look perfect...well, I think its safe to say that most of us would not accomplish much in this life. :)

The process of moving from our reconciled thoughts that we are an infertile couple and will not likely ever be able to have a biological child again has NOT been easy.  Through prayer, friends, discussion and the recognition that our desire is to grow our family, we have arrived at the decision to adopt a child and give them a forever home with the Petersons.  We could not be more thrilled.

We have decided to document our journey, for many reasons.  For our own reflections, looking at the good when we experience the bad.  Perhaps we can encourage another couple who are struggling with infertility or the adoption process.  Mostly, we want to glorify God as he has been our rock and compass in our nearly 11 year marriage.

If you have interest in our journey, this will be the best way to see our updates.  We recognize it will be a long process, where much patience is required.  We appreciate your love, encouragement and support on what will be a wild ride.  Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. This is going to be a grand adventure, and I'm confident, a very rewarding one. I admire your courage and generous spirit. I shall follow the blog with interest and words of encouragement.
